why i do what I do.....

I am now Fashion Director at Glamour magazine but following on from the success of my weekly column in the Sunday Times Style magazine I thought I would bring this page to life every week and also give you the chance to comment. This page is not for me to dictate what you should be wearing but to offer ideas on how to put wearable outfits together. Its not what you wear it's how you wear it!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Triathlon Training.....

This week I have braved the elements and have been cycling (terrifyingly) across London!  I have built up my miles as well as attending my spinning classes each week so feel ready to go up hills and steeps roads etc etc.  But having been so determined my last challenge was whether I was a fair weather girl or not and with the heavy rain of last weekend my answer to that I might not be the best but I will do what is needed.  Having booked my class at Psycle for Saturday morning I decided to keep up my daily cycling routine and cycle there and back but as I left the torrential rain started.  Obviously I got drenched and cycling in the rain you need windscreen wipers for your eyes!  I was late they let me in but didn't have time to change so had to do the class in wet tracksuit bottoms and hair and didn't know whether I was sweating or just wet!

From now on I will be prepared and have ordered a waterproof poncho which will be perfect for these weather days and stops the temptation to say no and not go!

poncho by Ilse Jacobsen

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